The first graders learned about the artist Henri Matisse. Matisse loved to paint still life paintings and most of his work included bright colors and bold patterns. After looking at several reproductions of his work, we got to work creating our still life Matisse pictures. The students worked step by step with me as I drew on the board. We used water color paper and pencil to start. We discussed overlapping and the use of pattern. The first graders outlined their drawing with a black Sharpie and then used watercolors to carefully paint their work. We learned that a small amount of water and paint will successfully fill a small part of our picture. If we wanted to fill a larger part, more water would make the paint spread more.
These paintings were outstanding, but were a challenge for some as controlling the amount of water/or paint can be tricky. I was really pleased with all of them and I love how these turn out.
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