Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grades, grades and more grades!

It is that time of year when some art projects will magically start to appear at home. Can you believe that most classes have only had art 14-15 times this year - yet we have really done a lot! Make sure you unroll those treasures brought home carefully and then marvel at their wonderfull-ness! Also, please check the back of the project for a rubric - this will show you what the child was graded on and how they performed on each criteria for that project. It will also state what standard that project falls under.

You will see a point total along with a number in parentheses at the bottom. This number would be a 1, 2 or 3 for first and second grade. For third, fourth and fifth grade you would see either a 1, 2, 3, or 4. This number equates to what you will eventually see on your child's report card for art. A 1 equates to a lack of understanding on many areas of the project, a 2 is progressing to an understanding, 3 is meeting expectations and a 4 is above and beyond.

Please understand that not all projects are graded - with well over 500 students, not all work can be assessed. Also, some grades that come home may be in the form of a quiz or worksheet which usually falls under the vocabulary standard.

Now go check your child's backpack to see if something was brought home today from art class!!

Thanks, Mrs. Johnson

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