Friday, August 29, 2014

August wrap up

Here is what is going on in the art room!
1st grade is learning about vertical and horizontal lines as well as primary colors by looking at the art of Piet Mondrian. Her is an example of what the 1st graders are creating:
2nd grade- we are learning about the American artist Alexander Calder. He made mobiles. Our mobiles are made from paper plates, tag board and yarn. They represent things about us. 
3rd grade is learning about abstract art as compared to realistic art. We are looking at art by Pablo Picasso. Picasso created the abstract style of art called cubism. Our art is a face drawn realistically then colored abstractly. We then will cut it into pieces and put back together to resemble cubism. 
4th grade looked at cave paintings and carvings from Lascaux France. We raked about this first form of art and how it allows us to look in the past almost 20,000 years ago. We drew an animal, cut it out, painted around it so it resembles a petroglyph. The pictographs are Native American symbols. 
OOPs- that's upside down - ugh!!! Sorry. 

5th grade is discussing contrast in art. We are making cityscapes on yellow paper with black Sharpie. We looked at many stes of buildings and buildings all over the world. Two buffing a are drawn on the yellow paper and one on shite that is cut and glued. We discussed perspective as well. 

And there you have it!  Happy 3 day weekend!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Welcome back!

Hello! Summer is coming to a close and we will soon be busy in the art room! Come visit me during the open house and say hi...and see my awesome banner I made. The kids will get to color that their first day of art! 
Please look for a letter from me that will come home with your child this coming week. Hopefully it will answer any questions you may have as well as provide valuable information about the upcoming year!
Enjoy the last few days of summer!
-Mrs. Johnson